速報APP / 遊戲 / Times Tables Challenge - Quiz!

Times Tables Challenge - Quiz!



檔案大小:48 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 9.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Times Tables Challenge - Quiz!(圖1)-速報App

The fun, simple, and child-friendly all-in-1 Times Table teaching app! :)

!!! Designed by kids, for kids! !!!

No ads, no further purchases necessary. Own the entire game!

Times Tables Challenge has been designed from the ground up to help kids, not only in learning their times tables, but also to understand how factors are composed by its unique real-time factorisation mode "Factorise This!". Students will appreciate the learning mode and fun timed quiz elements. Designed in conjunction with real students, Times Tables Challenge has been carefully constructed to be appealing to children. Additionally, our privacy pledge guarantees that the app is kid-friendly:

* No Advertising

* No Tracking

* No Privacy Concerns

Now your child will want to learn their tables!

Times Tables Challenge - Quiz!(圖2)-速報App

Main Features:

** Learning Mode**

Helps your child memorise each times table from 1 to 12

** Factorise This! **

Allows your child to appreciate how any large number can be broken down into many prime factors, as they type!

** Sticker Quiz **

Complete 10 consecutive questions correctly to earn a sticker. Your child will want to collect them all!

** Timed Quiz Mode **

Times Tables Challenge - Quiz!(圖3)-速報App

Provides an incentive to commit each times table to memory by timing how long it takes to answer 10 questions on each table. The child can then try and beat their best time. Great for kids who like a bit of excitement...

- Super-simple app design makes it easy to pick up and use

Times Tables Challenge - Quiz!(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad